The Interest List Is Open For The...

Principal's Accelerator Mastermind!

Go ahead and submit your details to join the Interest List for This program!

Why Join The Interest List?

Quick note from Dr. Amy Pleet:

Did you see my free webinar for Principals?

I shared our Winning Formula for transforming the special education effectiveness, and announced our new Principal's Accelerator Mastermind!

What's included: 
- 8 week cohort of Principals across the US.
- Weekly Zoom meetings (30 min)
- Frameworks & tools
- Strategic brainstorming 
- Safe space to grapple
- 2 private coaching calls

In the Accelerator, we will address these challenges
* How do I lead inclusion in my building with limited (or outdated) background in special education? 
* How do I shift our culture from teachers doing their own thing with mixed results to teachers working collaboratively with strong results?
* Is there a common language we can use to unify our approach for inclusion?
* How can I improve overall instructional effectiveness and special education test scores?
* Is there a way to implement change without damaging teacher morale and increasing teacher attrition?

It's 100% free to join this Interest List, and you can unsubscribe anytime. 

We'll notify everyone on the Interest List when we open the Principal's Accelerator and you will be given a chance to join the next cohort..

There are limited spots available in the August cohort. So if the timing isn't right for you, join the Interest List to be notified when we open the next cohort. 

Remember, it only takes one person to spark Joyful Inclusion!  

— Dr. Amy Pleet

Fill In Your Details Below...

Yes, I want to accelerate my progress and I'm interested in one of the spots in the

First Name

Last Name

Email Address

Phone Number

Your Title

School Name



Which cohort are you interested in?

What is your #1 challenge to achieving your inclusive vision and goals as a Principal?

What is your core goal with joining the Principal's Accelerator Mastermind? (if you know)

If we were to have a discussion 3 months from today, what would have had to happen in your life both personally and professionally for you to feel satisfied with your progress?

Reminder that joining this Interest List is NOT a commitment to register but you will receive email notifications when we start forming the Principal's Accelerator Mastermind. How would you best describe your commitment level right now?

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